
Monday, December 24, 2012


In January of this year, when we harvested our first few lemons, I wrote about our Meyer Lemon tree.  After  the first fruits were picked, the tree started budding, then blooming, then setting more fruit.  Our second harvest produced 32 large, juicy, slightly tart lemons.  I see a lemon meringue pie in our future.

This is what our tree looked like in January:

This is what it looked like during harvest:

It's already starting to bud again.  We bought a Persian lime tree online in May since the specimens from Lowe's were not to our liking.  It's been growing like crazy, but no buds yet.


  1. Happy New Year Judy...I have used several of your recipes and enjoy reading your back posts ..just wanted to let you know ..Take care and keep cooking !!

  2. Kathy, Happy New Year...thanks for your feedback.

  3. Judy! I love your blog(s) I always look to your blog to see how you cook things before searching for other recipes! -I especially love your muffins! My man LOVES Meyer lemons, I swear he could eat one whole! We live in Knoxville, TN and we are cautious about hosting plants in pots because of the winter frosts. Do y'all have many frosts in New Bern? Did you bring your lemon tree inside for winter? Also where did you purchase it? Thanks!

    1. Hi Aimee, Thanks for your kind comments. Yes, we have 4 seasons here in New Bern. Our lemon, and our new Persian lime,trees sit right outside our garage door, one on each side. We have them on roller caddies, so it's easy to just roll them inside the garage when weather dictates. Lowe's carries lemon and lime trees, but you have to catch them when they first come in because they go fast. We bought our lime tree online because Lowe's didn't have any. Word of caution: first breath of spring, treat the trees for spider mites -- tiny little black dots on the underside of the leaves. Whenever we have a question about our trees, we always find the answer online.


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